Harsh Kothari

Harsh Kothari

Audience level:
2:10 p.m.–2:55 p.m.

Contribute to Media [Wiki] Pedia by Pythonist way - PyWikipediaBot


The Pywikibot, short for PWB (former names Python Wikipediabot Framework, Pywikipediabot or Pywikipedia) is a collection of tools that automate work on MediaWiki sites. In this tutorial I will explain everything about PyWikipedia - Installation - Configuration - Uses - Benefits. I will also explain how to make Bot Scripts and how to contribute into core of PyWikipediaBot


The PywikipediaBot, short for PWB (former names Python Wikipediabot Framework, Pywikipedia) is a collection of tools that automate work on MediaWiki sites. Originally designed for Wikipedia, it is now used throughout the Wikimedia Foundation's projects and on many other MediaWiki wikis. It is written in Python, which is a free, cross-platform programming language.

If you really want to e- dit local Wikipedia / english Wikipedia from script, want to check spelling error or correction of grammar or If you want to do very tedious and time consuming task from Bot and you want to learn how to create such a thing then this is for you. In this tutorial I will explain how to install, configuration, run Bot and how to create those Bot scripts and contribute to core PyWikipediaBot.

In this talk I will cover following things.

  • Overview about PyWikipediaBot - In this I will introduce why this PyWikipediaBot is important and its functions.
  • Installation and Configuration - In this I will show how to install this on different environment like Linux, Mac or Windows, configuration and various settings for that.
  • How to Use Bot - I will explain how to run bot. How to do different tasks like editing, improving spellings and grammars, filters etcetera
  • How to create your own Bot Scripts - This is a very exciting task. I will introduce how to create your own Bot Scripts to do various tasks that are not done by default scripts. I will also show some of the scripts.
  • How to Contribute in Core of PyWikipediaBot - If someone really wants to contribute to core level of PyWikipediaBot for them I will show how to contribute and engage with the diverse and talented community at Wikimedia Foundation.

So through this tutorial I will explain everything about PyWikipediaBot and at the end of the tutorial participants will able to run Bot as well as able to create their own scripts which can be used for different tasks for Wikipedia or other MediaWiki projects.

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