Scott Treloar

Scott Treloar

Audience level:
10:30 a.m.–11:15 a.m.

Trading in Python


Our experiences building an open architecture, largely open source, event-driven trading platform in Python.


Trading in Python

In this talk we recount our experiences building an open architecture, largely open source, event-based trading platform in Python.

Our business objective is to profitably trade short-term price dislocations in liquid, exchange-traded markets in the Asia-Pacific region. To achieve this we are building a modern, real-time (event-time) infrastructure purpose built for intraday trading. It is fully straight-through processing, reducing operational risk and enabling scaling. We use Python for (almost) everything.

The major components are:

  • trading algorithm prototyping using ipython notebooks
  • market data management using Python wrappers around a market (tick) database called OneTick
  • trading signal generation algorithms written in Python
  • various libraries including numpy, pandas, cvxopt
  • MongoDB to manage position and trade information and Redis for in-memory data management
  • messaging using RabbitMQ
  • controlling background tasks using Supervisor
  • using Django framework for profit and risk reporting and backtesting control

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